Father's day SUPERDADDY

Registration for the event is closed.
Thank you all for the support!
actions taken to win
Step1: Sign up above in the sign up section
Step2: We will send you a super-daddy poster in 24hrs via Email.
Step3: Post the SUPER-DADDY poster in your Instagram account with 1 of the 3 options below.
- Option One: Story (decent chance to win, by luck)
- Option Two: Post (higher chance to win, by performance)
- Option Three: Post + Story (highest chance to win, by performance)
REMEMBER: @ezvalo + #ezvalo #ezvalolife #fathersday
Date & Shipping:
- Only the posts that made in between of Jun 10th-Jun 20th are qualified for the final prize.
- Free shipment of the prize is only to address in United States (Except Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico) and Canada. Addresses in other regions are subject to per quote.
- Winners are chosen based on promotion performance ( likes & comments ). For example, if a participant make a post and gain the most likes and comments out of all the participants, he get the grand prize. For participants who only post stories, we will randomly pick a few as winners since we can’t evaluate story performance.
Campaign Closing:
- Close date: June 20th, 2021 (23:59 PM EST)
- Winner list will be announced @ezvalo homepage on Jun 21th.
Contact: Marketingus@ezvalo.com
Let’s together honor all fathers for being SUPER with EZVALO.
The company EZVALO Technology Company Ltd. reserves the right of final interpretation for the content here in above.